Tieme van Veen

Freelance iOS / Web Developer

See LinkedIn for a complete overview of my past work

See GitHub for open-source work

Some projects I've worked on:


Mocking the network during UI Tests.

UI testing apps is important, but if your app relies heavily on the network, maintaining stable tests can be quite challenging. I've co-authored MountebankSwift together with Matthias Dolstra to help solve this problem. This client library for the open source test doubles server Mountebank allows developers to mock the network and drastically improve your automated UI tests. I've also given a tech talk at CocoaheadsNL on this topic!

Triodos Bank

One of the world’s most sustainable banks.

As the platform lead of team Quartz, I've helped Triodos move their app from NativeScript to a full native Swift app. We were responsible for showing the user the impact they make with their money, as well as Managing Investments, the Account Overview, Personal Information, Account Settings, Biometric Login and Signing, and Single Sign-On flows. Download

Nederlandse Spoorwegen

NS App - #1 Public transport app in The Netherlands.

Together with just two iOS colleagues, I've added tons of new features to this already great app. This app is fully accessible and usable with a accessibility features, such as font scaling and screenreaders, providing everyone in the Netherlands access to public transport. Our small 'mlab' team at NS is responsible for their native apps, as well as hosting and maintaining their own backends, that act as middleware that interfaces between the app and NS's extensive corporate IT infrastructure, making this an interesting assignment! Download

De Persgroep

De Volkskrant, Editie App - A modern take on a classic newspaper.

With our team at Persgroep, I've worked on whilelabeling the app of De Volkskrant for Parool, Trouw and more. We've created an SDK for displaying fully designed articles throughout their apps. Download


Go App. Pay with one app for fuel and parking. Download


Your new Movie App. With Tim Dekens and Jeroen Slor


8a.nu beta site. A brand new version of the world's most popular climbing site!

For Random Studio

For Momkai


  • Proposed the "Climber Emoji"
    It got approved in March 2017!
  • Certified Rope Access IRATA Technician